The HOBIT initiative is dedicated to form the core of a network linking bioinformatics centres together. It shall be understood as an
initial organisational and technological platform for interconnection of
bioinformatics activities. The aim of the network is to concatenate applications
and resources in a uniform way so providing an efficient communication tier
for bioinformatics resource access.
Current situation
Commonly bioinformatics resources are highly localised and
only accessible via interactive web pages. This causes several disadvantages. It
complicates for example the possibility to integrate external resources in local
applications. As a result this leads very often to redundant installations of
external applications and databases. Consequential information may diverge
especially in databases if additional information is generated. Beside this a
significant administrative overhead is required. Other problems are for example
no uniform access mechanisms for information and the requirement to deal with
different technologies.
We greatfully acknowledge the funding from the
"Impuls- und Vernetzungsfonds der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V."